MySQL Query Language Extensions
Vitess uses the MySQL client server protocol and query language. While there are some limitations and compatibility mismatches, Vitess also expands on the MySQL query language for Vitess specific usage.
Extensions to the MySQL Query Language #
SHOW Statements #
Vitess supports the following additional SHOW statements:
SHOW global gtid_executed [FROM <keyspace>]
-- retrieves the global gtid_executed status variable from each shard in the keyspace either selected or provided in the query.
Example Output for customer keyspace:
| db_name | gtid_executed | shard |
| customer | e9148eb0-a320-11eb-8026-98af65a6dc4a:1-43 | 80- |
| customer | e0f64aca-a320-11eb-9be4-98af65a6dc4a:1-43 | -80 |
SHOW keyspaces
-- A list of keyspaces available.
Example Output:
| Database |
| commerce |
| customer |
SHOW vitess_replication_status [LIKE "<Keyspace/<Shard>"]
(Experimental; 12.0+) -- Shows the Replication (not VReplication) health for the Vitess deployment. It returns a row for eachREPLICA
tablet in the topology -- with support for filtering by Keyspace/Shard using aLIKE
clause -- providing relevant health and status information, including the current tablet throttler status.
Example Output:
| Keyspace | Shard | TabletType | Alias | Hostname | ReplicationSource | ReplicationHealth | ReplicationLag | ThrottlerStatus |
| commerce | 0 | REPLICA | zone1-0000000101 | 52030e360852 | 52030e360852:17100 | {"EventStreamRunning":"Yes","EventApplierRunning":"Yes","LastError":""} | 0 | {"state":"OK","load":0.00,"message":""} |
| commerce | 0 | RDONLY | zone1-0000000102 | 52030e360852 | 52030e360852:17100 | {"EventStreamRunning":"Yes","EventApplierRunning":"Yes","LastError":""} | 0 | {"state":"OK","load":0.00,"message":""} |
SHOW vitess_shards
-- A list of shards that are available.
Example Output:
| Shards |
| commerce/0 |
| customer/-80 |
| customer/80- |
SHOW vitess_tablets
-- Information about the current Vitess tablets such as the keyspace, key ranges, tablet type, hostname, and status.
Example Output:
| Cell | Keyspace | Shard | TabletType | State | Alias | Hostname | PrimaryTermStartTime |
| zone1 | commerce | 0 | PRIMARY | SERVING | zone1-0000000100 | <redacted> | 2021-04-22T04:10:29Z |
| zone1 | commerce | 0 | REPLICA | SERVING | zone1-0000000101 | <redacted> | |
| zone1 | commerce | 0 | RDONLY | SERVING | zone1-0000000102 | <redacted> | |
| zone1 | customer | -80 | PRIMARY | SERVING | zone1-0000000300 | <redacted> | 2021-04-22T04:12:23Z |
| zone1 | customer | -80 | REPLICA | SERVING | zone1-0000000301 | <redacted> | |
| zone1 | customer | -80 | RDONLY | SERVING | zone1-0000000302 | <redacted> | |
| zone1 | customer | 80- | PRIMARY | SERVING | zone1-0000000400 | <redacted> | 2021-04-22T04:12:23Z |
| zone1 | customer | 80- | REPLICA | SERVING | zone1-0000000401 | <redacted> | |
| zone1 | customer | 80- | RDONLY | SERVING | zone1-0000000402 | <redacted> | |
SHOW vschema tables
-- A list of tables available in the current keyspace's vschema.
Example Output for customer keyspace:
| Tables |
| corder |
| customer |
| dual |
SHOW vschema vindexes
-- Information about the current keyspace's vindexes such as the keyspace, name, type, params, and owner. Optionally supports an "ON" clause with a table name.
Example Output:
| Keyspace | Name | Type | Params | Owner |
| customer | hash | hash | | |